Foot Care

Prevent Stress Fractures With The Proper Footwear

Prevent Stress Fractures With The Proper Footwear

Any seasoned runner has likely experienced a slew of injuries, both big and small – blisters, plantar fasciitis, shin splints  – these can all sideline a runner for a few weeks, but the one injury runners truly fear are stress fractures.

This very common running injury can take weeks to heal, and may even require a boot or crutches. Stress fractures can recur if changes are not made to the runner’s training, nutrition, lifestyle, and footwear. 

Understanding the causes, symptoms, and how footwear plays a role can help runners and other athletes avoid this dreaded injury.

How to transition to natural shoes

How to transition to natural shoes

Many people are aware that a transition period is required when switching from conventional, PCECH-style (Pronation Control, Elevated, Cushioned Heel) shoes to naturally shaped shoes. Most people want to know the proper protocol for transitioning to foot-healthy footwear